26 June 2011 I had a few hassles earlier this week with Git. This was mostly related to my lack of experience with the tool, but also because my cygwin PATH was pointing to the samsung arm tool chain (required for compiling the code). The cygwin Git seems to use various shell commands, eg rm but the arm tool chain version of these commands must have subtle differences.
The next problem was trying get a game to run (on the phone). I was getting some strange exception in a fairly innocuous looking area of the scummvm innards and I thought maybe this was some kind of internal corruption of the ARM state. I tried removing the dependant libraries (MAD, ogg etc) just to take these out of the equation.
Then I tried commenting out the problem code (really just a log statement) but ran into some other wierd malloc error further down. This error was the audio module trying to re-display the launcher to allow the user to select another audio option. hmm not looking good.... then I tried just changing the audio driver in the config prior to launching the game... and presto... Johnny 5 is alive![]()
The game colours look fantastic on the super amoled screen. Next I need to add back the dependant audio libraries, then implement some more useability features. If you would like to try this now/soon you will need to install the BADA SDK, cygwin etc. I don't think there's any other solution for beta-testing other than waiting for this to appear in the app-store.

http://www.users.on.net/~cwarrensmith/bada-scummvm/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
"Omar, as far as I know, no ScummVM developer *ever* "looked" into doing a Bada port.
Developing a new port for a device usually is done by volunteers who happen to own one of these devices. So, you best bet for a Bada port is to find a somebody who owns one of these devices, and is capable of and intersted in undertaking the effort to create a ScummVM port for it.
We certainly are willing to help people interested in making a port with doing that! But there is only so much you can do without having a device in your possesion. Plus it's not much fun to work on a port you can't even use yourself, too Wink.
http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php ... b90e2ff8fa" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kurz: Selber machen, jemanden finden, der es machen will, oder es wird einfach nix.