mortara wrote:Das Problem ist mit dem kommenden Update behoben! Die Ursache ist das Cookie-Handling von bada, welches wohl ein Problem mit diesem Punkt vorne hat.
Badaboard - 1.0.1
- 0000158: Bug - Probleme bei der Anmeldung an Foren - resolved.
- 0000156: Bug - Wenn die eingebene URL mit / endet, kann kein Kontakt zum Forum hergestellt werden. - resolved.
- 0000155: Bug - Anzeige-Probleme mit Forensystem SMF - resolved.
- 0000154: Bug - Abbrechen der Forensuche bringt Maskenüberlagerung - resolved.
- 0000151: Error - Probleme bei Bildern in Beiträgen - resolved.
- 0000144: Bug - HTML Codes in geschriebenen Beiträge - resolved.
- 0000121: Bug - Man kann den DefaultStyle löschen - resolved.
- 0000150: Feature - AppStore Beschreibung / Description - resolved.
- 0000141: Feature - Cancel bei Verfassen von Beiträgen bestätigen - resolved.
- 0000149: Bug - DefaultStyle steht nicht an erster Stelle, und kann deswegen gelöscht werden - resolved.
- 0000148: Bug - Wenn der 'NewStyle' aktiv ist, kann nicht geantwortet werden - resolved.
- 0000142: Bug - Beim Wechsel eines Topics von einer Forenseite >1 zurück, wird die falsche Seite geladen - resolved.
- 0000147: Bug - Absturz bei manchen Foren - resolved.
- 0000146: Feature - Fehlermeldungstext überarbeiten - resolved.
- 0000135: Feature - Foren abonnieren - resolved.
- 0000145: Bug - Ein Forumsubscripe auf Kategorien gibt ein "success" zurück - resolved.
- 0000098: Feature - Suchfunktion für Foren, die TapaTalk unterstützen - resolved.
- 0000137: Feature - Anderes Icon für die Lite Version - resolved.
- 0000133: Feature - Forentopics anpassen - resolved.
- 0000134: Feature - Website URL in Strings auslagern - resolved.
kokotek wrote:Hi. I'm from Czech Republic. I tried the badaboard on the website, and here can not add a new post, but here on it's possible. What's wrong?
I have Samsung wave S8500 firmware S8500 NEXUS LB4
sorry for my english
Do you may access our forum here? URL:" onclick=";return false;
Here on the forum I can add posts, but on "" forum (this is the best forum about bada in the the Czech Republic) it is not possible. On Tapatalk Android applications everything works just fine on this Czech forum. Are on Badaboard any extra specifications against android applications?
No, it's probably just a login Issue which should be fixed with next update.
Can you please check if you have access to your Private Messages on" onclick=";return false; with badaBoard? This shouldn't work either at the moment ...
On forum" onclick=";return false; I can not access to my PM, but on friendly forum" onclick=";return false; access to my PM I have. But I can not send a new message. Badaboard writes "message sent", but it does not arrive and not appear on outbox
Last edited by kokotek on Thu 17. May 2012, 05:22, edited 2 times in total.
hello, my name is Daniel known in some forums as metalrar, I would like to ask permission to post on my forum, the translation of this great application and perhaps that can be used in any update, if you need help with translation into Spanish. I will be the order of belonging to your team. I use the PRO version for my work . What I did was translate the strings to my native language (deu-DE and eng-GB) both files were translated into language. here are the files for your approval: thank you very much ...