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Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Sun 17. Jun 2012, 13:07
by albatros
Are you planning to add support for push notification?
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Sun 17. Jun 2012, 15:01
by Catscratch
We got it on our agenda, but it has no priority. There are other features which are more important.

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Tue 19. Jun 2012, 14:19
by mortara
kokotek wrote:I still have one problem. The application crashes to me if I am not connected to wifi. It looks like a problem with low memory, the application crashes into the main menu. The application also crashes when I want to create a new topic (connected via wifi). I tried different settings datapakets and different firmwares but nothing helped. Do you know where the problem might be? Colleagues from the forum it does not fall.
Sorry, at the moment i have no clue. There is no difference internally between WiFi or Paket-Data connection. To wich version does your report refers to?
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Tue 19. Jun 2012, 17:54
by kokotek
On both versions is the same. I tried to disable everything that is possible. Application crashes when logging on to the forum. I do not know if datapakets phone use more memory? Strange is, that colleagues from forum, this does not happen.
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Tue 19. Jun 2012, 18:04
by mortara
Thereis no difference i know about. What makes you think that it's a memory problem?
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Tue 19. Jun 2012, 19:56
by kokotek
It looks like a memory problem. If it was an application problem, then crashed to all users.
On the S8500 is messages about out of memory normal. S8500 has a bad memory management.
However, if the application crashes, so crashes always, on wifi also on datapackets.
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Sun 8. Jul 2012, 19:10
by kokotek
What about updates for wave I ?
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Mon 9. Jul 2012, 06:13
by mortara
The Update is in certification again. Samsung rejected it on our last try ...
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Sat 14. Jul 2012, 13:53
by lajlubeclobo
please contact with developers of tapatalk plugin for kunena here - ... 0-3.11083/" onclick=";return false;
maybe, together you solve this problem.
Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client
Posted: Tue 17. Jul 2012, 16:51
by kokotek
I see so samsung again rejected update badaboard 1.0.2. Do you think you could write me how to edit the current version, so that worked on" onclick=";return false;?