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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 29. Jan 2013, 16:06
by miguelangellazaro
Hey, thank you very much for the translation!
About the doubts:
Wrong inventory. -> Falsches Inventar. (What do you mean??)
This means that the list of digital assets is bad. In other words, some kind of error has ocurred while consulting what could be bought.
Last three months -> letzte(n) drei Monate(n) (depends on case of application, please give a full sentence here)
This is the text of a button that shows the best scores for the last 3 months.
Now tha game has best scores for today, best scores for the last week, best scores for the last month and best scores ever. Instead of Best scores ever we are going to change it by Best scores for the last three months.
If you have an android device you can see how it is now in" onclick=";return false;
(it is free) so you will understand it better.
I look forward to your response to have all the texts.
Thank you!
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 29. Jan 2013, 16:27
by FreundBlase
miguelangellazaro wrote:
Wrong inventory. -> Falsches Inventar. (What do you mean??)
This means that the list of digital assets is bad. In other words, some kind of error has ocurred while consulting what could be bought.
So, its not directly in the game, its while buying the game from store?!
I would translate it with "Fehler in der Zusammenstellung", that means "error in assembly". But, maybe someone else with more exp. in app publication has a better idea for translation, mortara or scion?!
"Letzte drei Monate" is the better choise imo

Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 29. Jan 2013, 16:44
by miguelangellazaro
Yes, the digital assets (inventory) are the things you can buy from the game, inside the market, like coins, more levels, virtual points and that stuff. We will offer the "Remove ads" option, so that everybody can enjoy the game for free, with ads for monetization, and anyone who wishes can also buy this option to have the ads-free version for a very affordable amount.
Thank you again!
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 29. Jan 2013, 22:58
by mortara
I really had problems to understand what you meant with 'bad inventory' too. Maybe you should be a little more detailed there: 'List of purchaseable items could not be loaded', or in german:
'Artikeliste kann nicht geladen werden'
Especially in german a lot depends on the context the string is used. Maybe you can post some screenshots of your app, showing the english texts here. This would really help to find a good translation!
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Thu 31. Jan 2013, 08:46
by miguelangellazaro
Hello! Good morning.
Sorry for the delay in my answer. Yesterday I couldn't find a moment for this.
I think that the text for the wrong inventory is all right. The point is that I cannot send you any screenshot of this message, because we have prepared it just in case. I mean, it is an exception, and we are considering it in the code, but we have not really seen it yet.
As soon as I can I will prepare some screenshots of the game in general and I'll post them so that you can see it and tell me if there is something wrong in the translation.
Thank you!

Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Thu 31. Jan 2013, 12:05
by FreundBlase
Just a very little one:
German for "ranking" is "Rangliste", with g, not k

Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Thu 31. Jan 2013, 17:32
by miguelangellazaro
Hey! Good point!
I am going to correct it today for the next release. I hope to publish it very soon.
Thank you!
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 26. Mar 2013, 21:19
by miguelangellazaro
Hello again, everybody.
We have added some new features to Make Pairs, and therefore we need the new German texts for complete localization of the app. We believe that the new features are very cool and complete the game for a better experience. In a few words, the new release of Make Pairs will have:
- Ranks. The player achieves new ranks as long as he/she adds points to the score system.
Ranks can be bought, too.
- Additional lives when time is expired. They can be won each time a new rank is obtained and they can also be bought.
- Group of friends.
- Messages to/from friends.
- Storage/retrieval of current game state at the end of each level.
So, if anybody can give us a hand with this, we would appreciate it.
These are the texts we need.
(If anyone needs the apk to see how it works, just ask me for it).
Thanks in advance.
Add a friend
Do you want to add \"%s\" into \"My Friends\" list?
Do you want to remove \"%s\" from \"My Friends\" list?
type friend name to add...
Rank #:
Operation completed
Operation failed
Hi!\nI\'ve added you into \"My Friends\" list.
Choose action
Send a message
your message...
No worries, all data is saved and will be uploaded during next synchronization
Buy next rank
Current rank
Next rank
Points to next rank
Buy 4 lives
Use one life
Lives left
Store and quit
With this option you\'ll be able to resume the game at this point and upload the score to the web score system at the end of the game
Congratulations!\nYour new rank is XXX
You have won one extra life.
The score of this game cannot be published because the game has been paused
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Tue 2. Apr 2013, 13:17
by miguelangellazaro
I already have these translations from a German developer.
If someone is interested in mutual translations (English->Spanish in return for English->German), please, contact me.
The new version of Make Pairs have been published.
Thank you!
Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs
Posted: Thu 11. Jan 2018, 09:57
by Rollowitsch
Ist das noch aktuell? Is this still up-to-date?