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Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 18:25
by larioteo
As i see you deletet all the Favorites, the bug of the database is not existing any more, could you explain how did you get the crash?

I want to rebuild it, so i can find the part wich causes this issue.

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 18:34
by badanation
Von kozelos geschrieben:
i didnt delete any! still have all them stored and working (2 folders, 5 and 1 urls) how i did the error? only god knows:-) yesterday everything was working well and this morning i wanted to read news, so turned app on, clicked on address and app crashed. and its doing again and again. no error sign, just turns off and phone shows desktop.. task manager shows only homepage and widgets..
btw i also got a reboot error on facebook as someone i read here. dont remember how, but at facebook site it accidentally rebooted phone..

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 18:41
Cool! Jetzt kann ich nichtmal mehr eine Adresse eingeben. :-/

Voluntas öffnen
[...] -> Adresse
Absturz (Voluntas schließt)

Favoriten gehen.

Kann es sein, das das Entfernen der Anwendung noch Restdaten irgendwo auf dem Wave hinterlässt, die nach einer Neuinstallation Fehler verursachen? Könntest du mal auflisten, wo Voluntas auf dem Wave überall Daten speichert?
Also von der Speicherkarte bis hin zu Systemverzeichnissen (per sTune).

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:07
by larioteo
@kozelosI am looking at the code can you still on create favorites and folders? cause they uses the same container popup if the popup crashes every time then this is the part where to look. I will still on look for possible bugs in the source code@bazzi eigentlich wird nur der appordner kopiert und die app macht eigentlich nichts bis auf daten in die datenbank wie favoriten zu speichern. Aber könnte durchaus sein das ihr das problem deswegen habt, ich nutzte sie ja auch vor dem release die aktuelle version, und die app will einfach nicht abstürtzen^^ ich schau mal das ich es zusammenbringe.@both wich orientation do you two using?PotraitLandscapeReverse PotraitReverse Landscape

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:16
75 % Portrait
25 % Landscape

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:19
by badanation
Von kozelos geschrieben:
yes, favorites ale working properly. now i made new folder and link in it and normally works fine. possibly sent you wrong file? is it possible more core.db files in wave? looks like bazzi has same problem..

edit: 50/50 portrait/landscape if landscape means turn phone 90 degress counterclockwise..

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:25
by larioteo
Yes you both have the same issue that is good, so it will be easier to find the bug :)

It seems that the bug occurs while switching from landscape to portrait or otherwize, am I true?

@All i have seen many Forums has postet Voluntas and there is much critizizm it would be nice, that the posters of the other forums post here the founded bugs, that would make it easier for all of us, sure Voluntas is a unstable in developement App, and this Topic aims to fixes the bugs, that are mostly bada related. Thank You

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:47
by badanation
Von kozelos geschrieben:
thats why i registered:-) our forum is ... ni-prohlie" onclick=";return false;
you can maybe use google translator and communicate with us. or in english of course:-) the same does developer of kint messenger;-) i will now post there your request to send bugs..
i am not really sure if switching landscape/portrait does the problem. i just turn the app on as portrait and click "address" and it crashes. no change of screen during this..

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:51
by larioteo
I see it could be the LowerCase Funktion of the keypad, which is automatically startet, does it happens after klicking the adress or do you see a little bit of the popup, excuse me i must find the part where it happens, does it happens to you already and always? It is interessting becouse as i said the other popups should also crash.

It could be also the part, while clicking address, there the app checks if a site is already loading and stops the loading process.

Re: [Entwicklung] Voluntas

Posted: Wed 18. May 2011, 19:58
by badanation
Von kozelos geschrieben:
i open voluntas. there is page with picture and sign under construction. then click on "..." then click on "address" and after about halfsecond the standbyscreen of phone appears. thats all. just crashes without showing anything...
and yes, its happening all the time:-(