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BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Mon 9. Apr 2012, 06:42
by Catscratch

1. Information
2. Current Version
3. Features
4. Lite vs Pro
5. Planned Features
6. Problems or Wishes?
7. Changelog/Roadmap

1. Information:
BadaBoard is an app that allows you to view web forums on your smartphone without having to use a browser. The display is optimized for mobile use, so it produces less Internet traffic, as with a Web browser.

BadaBoard uses the API of the well known app 'TapaTalk' for Android and IOS. This requires a special plugin to be installed in the forum-software.

2. Current Version
LITE: ... 0006083193" onclick=";return false;
PRO: ... 0006149646" onclick=";return false;

3. Features:
- Manage different forums
- Search for supported forums in TapaTalk register
- Login to forum
- Read forum
- Write reply
- Create new topic
- Mark forums/topics as read
- Show latest topics
- Sort: Announce, Sticky, Normal
- Show pictures in posts
- Edit own posts
- Subscripe topics
- Go to first/last post

- Choose different themes
- Import own themes
- Change signature
- Amount of posts per page
- Show posts in list complete/shorten

- Read private messages
- Create a private message
- Reply to a private message
- Show subscribed topics
- Unsubscribe topics

4. Lite vs Pro
5. Planned Features:
- Search within a forum
- upload of images and attachments
- Possibilities for moderators
- push notifications

6. Problems or Wishes?
New: You can vote feature requests at uservoice:" onclick=";return false;

What to do on problems, bugs or wishes? First, take a look into the bugtracker ( Often your concern is already mentioned. If not, you can create a new ticket for your bugs, error or wish. We try to fix/resolve it in the next update of the app. But please, before creating a new ticket, search for existing tickets to prevent duplicates.
Another way is to use this forum. But also search for already existing posts before creating duplicates.

If you're having troubles viewing or using a certain forum, please post name and URL of the forum here so we can test it.

7. Changelog/Roadmap

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Thu 10. May 2012, 21:02
by mortara

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Tue 12. Jun 2012, 17:07
by kokotek
Catscratch wrote:
kokotek wrote:
Here on the forum I can add posts, but on "" forum (this is the best forum about bada in the the Czech Republic) it is not possible. On Tapatalk Android applications everything works just fine on this Czech forum. Are on Badaboard any extra specifications against android applications?
No, it's probably just a login Issue which should be fixed with next update.
I upgraded BadaBoard to version 1.0.1, but I still can not add a new post on a server

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Tue 12. Jun 2012, 17:51
by mortara
Can you give me test-user credentials or something to test that?

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 12:52
by mortara
Thanks! I've fixed that bug, should be working with the next update!

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 14:59
by kokotek
Very thanks

Sent with badaBoard!

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 15:03
by mortara
That bug caused the same problem on a lot of other forum probably. I'm still wondering why it was working here or on other forums ....

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 15:41
by kokotek
A colleague from the forum asked me, to ask you if it would be possible add to the program Czech language?
If you wrote us a list of phrases, that should be translated, we would wrote you to that Czech translation.

My English is not good, perhaps it is understandable

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 15:47
by mortara
Cool! I can send you the XML File for translation. Thanks!

Re: BadaBoard - Bada TapaTalk Client

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2012, 19:41
by kokotek
I still have one problem. The application crashes to me if I am not connected to wifi. It looks like a problem with low memory, the application crashes into the main menu. The application also crashes when I want to create a new topic (connected via wifi). I tried different settings datapakets and different firmwares but nothing helped. Do you know where the problem might be? Colleagues from the forum it does not fall.