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App Translations

Posted: Fri 24. Aug 2012, 19:15
by mortara
This thread comes from an idea we had recently. A lot of people are helping us with translating badaBoard in many different languages, but once the bulk of strings are translated, and only small updates or new strings are needed, it gets a rather tedious work to contact them all again for a translation.

So the idea is simple: Every App developer who needs a translation can post the request here, and someone speaking the required languages posts a translation.

Please only answer to a request if you can translate the text on your own, WITHOUT google-translator. The whole point of this thread is to get a good translation, and not google-translated garbage.

Re: App Translations

Posted: Fri 24. Aug 2012, 19:17
by mortara
Our first request:

"These users say 'thanks': "

we need this in spanish, polish, czech, italian and french

Re: App Translations

Posted: Sat 25. Aug 2012, 07:42
by kokotek
in czech

"Tito uživatelé poděkovali"

Re: App Translations

Posted: Sat 25. Aug 2012, 07:50
by sononicola
mortara wrote:Our first request:

"These users say 'thanks': "

we need this in spanish, polish, czech, italian and french


"Questi utenti hanno ringraziato: "

Re: App Translations

Posted: Tue 18. Sep 2012, 18:45
by kokotek
In the new version is incorrect czech translation.

in english: "Participated Topics"

your translation: "Účastnili témat"
correct czech translation: "Témata kam přispíváte" or "Účastníte se témat"
First is understandable

and "tree view" is in czech "stromové zobrazení"

Re: App Translations

Posted: Tue 18. Sep 2012, 20:15
by mortara
Thanks! I've corrected it.