Hier Sachen die funzen sollen
1. SMS opening issue is totally solved
2. Adding app icon in the Home Screen issue is solved
3. Google app now is working (WAC 2.0 apps generally working)
4. Facebook app now works and is perfect
5. IM apps issues seems to be solved
6. Widget reflow now works (you can place the widget where you want)
7. Just tried to connect to Kies and found new things(look at Kies pic )
Und hier nen paar schöne Bilderchen

http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/6607 ... 202728.jpg
http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9092/2 ... 200538.jpg
http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/1148 ... 222954.jpg
Und ein Video
PS: Release soll angeblich Samstag sein!