Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

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Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »


I have just published my game Make Pairs in Android (free). I published it some time ago in bada, and users like it so much.

The point is that the Android version has an additional feature not present currently in bada, the web scoring functionality, but I don't have native translation into German for that. Could anyone help me to translate it, please? It is not a lot of text. If anyone wants to collaborate, please send me a response. I would appreciate it so much.

You can see the app in Android here:" onclick=";return false;

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by titotorres »

Dieses Spiel ist extrem beliebt bei Bada-Handys und jetzt auch für Android verfügbar!
Make Pairs das lustige, bunte Gelegenheitsspiel macht süchtig!
Tausende von Spielern auf Samsung Bada-Plattformen genießen bereits Make Pairs. Nun ist es auch endlich für Android da!
Das Ziel ist es, durch Klicken auf zwei identische Symbole Paare zu bilden. Du kannst auch benachbarte Symbole verbinden, und auch solche, die durch einen leeren Hintergrund mit drei oder weniger Segmenten verbunden sind.
Je höher der Level, desto schwieriger wird es. Allerdings helfen zwei spezielle Symbole den Level zu beenden: Hint und Time Wildcards. Jedes Paar aktiviert die dazugehörige Wildcard. Diese könnt ihr dann bei Bedarf einsetzen. Pro Typ könnt ihr nur eine Wildcard benutzen. Mit anderen Worten, Wildcards können nicht zusammengefasst werden.
Genießt die Musik und die Vibrationsspezialeffekte.
Fordert euch und eure Freunde heraus! Wer hat die meisten Punkte?
Musik und Sounds: Carlos Morales Boisset, Übersetzung Guido Martens" onclick=";return false;
Entwicklung: Miguel Angel Lazaro Solana und Sergiy Kolomiets" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »


Titotorres, thank you very much for your fast response and your translation.

I would also need the part of the web scoring. They are words or short phrases listed below.

I really appreciate your help. If I can do anything for you, just let me know. If you need translation of text into Spanish, I am pretty literated and I have translated quite a few of text from English into Spanish. Just tell me.

The words/phrases I need:

Manage local accounts
New account
Edit account
Rename default account
Add new player
Player with same name already exists!
Player name is empty or too short!
Best score:
Local Top-10 results
be the first !
Main Menu ->
Today's best score:
Upload completed.
List is empty
Network error!
Server is not accessible!
Server communication error!
check connection
Info: under this name other players will see your achievements
Player name:
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Thank you!

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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by HansDampf40 »

Hi Miguel,
i think, you must not translate everything. We call it in Germany "Neudeutsch". That mean, there are some Words in english, we also use in german. ;-)

Like Account or Score, it is english, but internation i think everyone now, what you mean. :-)

I hope it is all correct :engel:

Settings --> Einstellungen
Accounts --> Accounts
Manage local accounts --> Accounts verwalten
New account --> Neuer Account
Edit account --> Account bearbeiten
Rename default account --> Standardaccount umbennen
Add new player --> Neuen Spieler hinzufügen
Player with same name already exists!
--> Es gibt bereits einen Spieler mit dem selben Namen
Player name is empty or too short!
--> Spielername fehlt oder ist zu kurz
Best score: --> Best Score
Local Top-10 results --> Lokale Top - 10 Ergebnisse
Publish --> Veröffentlichen
be the first ! --> Sei der Erste!
Main Menu --> Hauptmenü
Today's best score --> Bestscore Heute
Loading... --> Laden..
Uploading... --> Hochladen…
Upload completed --> Hochladen abgeschlossen
Cancel --> Abbrechen
List is empty --> Liste ist leer
Network error! --> Netzwerkfehler
Server is not accessible! --> Server ist nicht erreichbar!
Server communication error! --> Serverfehler!
check connection --> Verbindungstest
Info: under this name other players will see your achievements
--> Info: Unter diesem Namen können andere Spieler deine Erfolge sehen
Player name: --> Spielername:
My Profile --> Mein Profil
Local scores --> Lokale Scores
Rankings --> Rankliste
Global --> Global
National --> National
Today --> Heute
This week --> Diese Woche
This month --> Diesen Monat
Ever --> Gesamt
My position --> Meine Position
My position for last game --> Meine Postion für das letzte Spiel
#$ with % points --> XX mit XX Punkten
Statistics --> Statistik
Games played: --> Anzahl Spiele
Average score: --> Durchschnittsscore
Country code: --> Land
OK --> Ok
Skip --> Überspringen


[align=center]Das Betriebssystem das ohne Fehler ist, werfe den ersten Stein.[/align]
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »

Hey, thank you!

Sometimes I have had apps rejected in the Samsung certification because of the translation, and thus I prefer to ask native users, just in case.

I am going to update Make Pairs (Android version) ASAP so that users from Germany can enjoy it in their language.

Thank you so much for your help.

Best wishes,

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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by HansDampf40 »

Ok, we think a minute in our chat for the translation....

Can you change Best score to Highscore ?

And it is Ok, wenn Upload = Upload. Is the same like Download... is international. :-D


[align=center]Das Betriebssystem das ohne Fehler ist, werfe den ersten Stein.[/align]
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »

OK, highscore. Thank you!
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »

Make Pairs is already published in German.

If anyone sees something wrong, please let me know, to fix it ASAP.

The link again:" onclick=";return false;

Thank you.

Enjoy it.
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by miguelangellazaro »


We are working very hard to improve our Android Game "Make Pairs" and we need to include new sentences in German. Could anyone help us again with these sentences?

Thank you very much!

The texts:

You have a new message!
You have 5 new messages!
Initialization problem. Please, make sure you have fresh version of the Play Market application.
Wrong inventory.
Oops, error occured while purchasing.
Thank you for purchase! Enjoy it!
Thank you!
Last three months
Three months
My Messages
Remove Ads
Make Pairs Live
By clicking on the banner you'll remove the wait and ads for today
Time to start the game: 5 seconds
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Re: Help with translation to German for game Make Pairs

Post by FreundBlase »

You have a new message! -> Sie haben eine neue Nachricht!
You have 5 new messages! -> Sie haben 5 neue Nachrichten!
Messages -> Nachrichten
Initialization problem. Please, make sure you have fresh version of the Play Market application. -> Initialisierungs-Problem. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Version des PlayStores auf aktuellem Stand ist.
Wrong inventory. -> Falsches Inventar. (What do you mean??)
Oops, error occured while purchasing. -> Huch, während der Bestellung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Thank you for purchase! Enjoy it! -> Danke fürs Kaufen, viel Spaß!
Thank you! -> Vielen Dank!
Last three months -> letzte(n) drei Monate(n) (depends on case of application, please give a full sentence here)
Three months -> drei Monate(n)
News -> Neuigkeiten (but maybe, English word sounds better, even in German that's a common word :) )
My Messages -> Meine Nachrichten.
Remove Ads -> Werbung entfernen.
Make Pairs Live -> don't know, what you want to say here. "Live" as an expression for "watching something in realtime" is "Live" in German too, there is no better word :)
By clicking on the banner you'll remove the wait and ads for today -> Klicken Sie auf den Banner, um das Spiel heute ohne Werbung und Wartezeiten genießen (write "geniessen" if you cannot write "ß" ;) ) zu können.
Time to start the game: 5 seconds -> Spiel geht los in: 5 Sekunden
- Welch triste Epoche, in der es leichter ist, ein Atom zu zertrümmern als ein Vorurteil! -
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