Hier werde ich auch alles nützliche sammeln was ich aus ihm entlocken kann

Einzig und allein seinen Namen darf ich nicht nennen die Infos darf ich schon posten.
Wave 3 Hardware:
You may have noticed that the Samsung Wave and Galaxy S had similar hardware. And the Wave 3, with Super AMOLED display and 1.4GHz, has hardware which is much more closer to Galaxy S2, which is arguably the best hardware in the market today. Its likely that the device that you got your hands on is a sample piece, and not something that is ready for market.
bada 2.0 Beta:
Please feel free to email me in detail on how the process is difficult for you, and other developers whom you interact with. We are always open to improving the system, and always eager to make it easy for developers like you to build fabulous apps on bada.
Market data:
If you didn't know, bada has had the best ever smartphone OS launch in history. Its launch period sales has been better than iOS/Android. We just reported a 355% growth over a year in sales for bada devices. We are doing so well in a market were WindowsPhone7 is barely selling anything, Nokia is dumping Symbian, webOS is being shut down. Our market share has grown from 2% to 4% overall over a single quarter.
We understand that we have a long way to go. But, I hope you read Samsung's Chairman's ideas of making Samsung a world-class software company by 2013. You can easily imagine that being reflected in bada's future versions.